
Blog / 29.04.2016

This week's post is on using perfect practice to reduce draw times. Watch Travis Haley work from a five second draw stroke down to a sub 1 second draw with an accurate round on target. Let's just say we have some work to do.
Blog / 26.02.2016

Last week we ran a joint course with King 33 Training in Southington CT called Responsible Home Defense. The foundation of this course was based in two elements:
  • Knowing Where, When, Why deadly force may be used
  • Building Practical Skills to Increase Survivability
The students were provided with a slide deck covering the laws and regulations surrounding use of force in the home and while the topics centered on home defense considerations, we did get off on a few very productive tangents
Blog / 23.10.2015

Prove your Skill Set in 8 rounds.

We utilize the 1-2-3 Drill to test our on-demand performance capability to transition to our secondary weapon system when our rifle has run dry. This drill has the added value of requiring the shooter to then reload their rifle after engaging the target with their pistol, and then engaging with their rifle again. The 1-2-3 Drill goes like this: