
Blog / 03.02.2015

Recently I have been privy to a string of email conversations that quite frankly has left me scratching my head. The source of these emails will remain withheld due to my own professionalism, but I felt that the topic needed to be breached here. The issue of concern? Carrying a firearm with an empty chamber. The argument for carrying in such a manner appears to be
Blog / 17.09.2014


[dropcap]H[/dropcap]ave you ever had an awakening on the range? One of those moments where everything you thought you knew was essentially wrong? I had the pleasure of spending the previous week hitting it hard at the Sig Sauer Academy in Epping, NH for their Semi-Auto Pistol Instructor Course. I had heard rumor that this class was a real ass kicker and I had no preconceived notions of me simply strolling in to the week and just killing it. Previous experience with Sig has taught me that the standards are high, and there is no room for bullshit. Your hits are either in or they are not. I had no idea who the instructor for the week was going to be,