29 Jun What You Need To Know Before You Can Carry In Massachusetts
Understanding your second amendment rights is crucial in order to carry a gun. In the state of Massachusetts, you must have a license to carry. This article takes a deeper look into the process of obtaining a license, owning a gun, and more.
Prior to Owning a Gun
According to the mass.gov website, Massachusetts residents 15 years and older who wish to possess, carry, and transport firearms, ammunition, and feeding devices are required to have a firearms license. Firearms licenses are issued by municipal police departments. This means that before you can purchase a gun, you must apply for your firearms license. This process has been implemented to ensure the safety of others.
Another factor contributing to the process prior to owning a gun is that Massachusetts requires all first time firearm license applicants to successfully complete a Certified Firearms Safety Course or a Basic Hunter Education Course. There must be proof of completion as well.
Applying For a Firearms License
Before applying to get a license, you must decide which license is applicable for you. There are two types offered in the state of Massachusetts, a License to Carry (LTC) and a Firearms Identification Card (FID). A LTC permits the purchase, possession, transportation, and carrying of all large- and non-large-capacity handguns, rifles, shotguns, and feeding devices, as well as ammunition. An FID permits the purchase, possession, and transportation of non-large-capacity rifles, shotguns, and ammunition.
As a resident in the state of Massachusetts, you must apply for your LTC through the police station in your town. You may proceed to contact your local firearms licensing officer for specific information on the application process.
Purchasing a Gun
The process of purchasing a gun begins as the buyer goes to a specific gun store. The buyer will fill out the Form 4473. This is a federal gun purchasing form that asks questions such as, “is the buyer a convicted felon”, “does the buyer use controlled substances”, or “has the buyer been adjudicated mentally defective”, and so forth. After completing this form, the store will run a quick background check through the Firearms Records Bureau. Once the background check comes back negative, paperwork is completed and the buyer can leave with their firearm.
Contact Us
If you are a Massachusetts resident going through the process of obtaining a license, and would like private training, contact Tactical Dynamics to get started. Call 855-276-5730 or email us at info@tacdynamics.com for more information on how we can help you today.
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