Running the House: CQB at King 33 & Responsible Home Defense AAR

Running the House: CQB at King 33 & Responsible Home Defense AAR

Last week we ran a joint course with King 33 Training in Southington CT called Responsible Home Defense. The foundation of this course was based in two elements:

  • Knowing Where, When, Why deadly force may be used
  • Building Practical Skills to Increase Survivability

The students were provided with a slide deck covering the laws and regulations surrounding use of force in the home and while the topics centered on home defense considerations, we did get off on a few very productive tangents on use of force outside the home as well. Many thought provoking questions were raised and answered

After the death by PowerPoint, Denis, Sam, and Andy (from King 33’s excellent staff) kicked off flow drills throughout the Simunition shoot house. The purpose of this is to get folks processing the problems in front of them without having the additional stress of someone shooting back at you. A few hours of this and it was lunch time.

Now I wish I could have been part of that but Chris, King 33’s owner, and I had some important business to attend to… let’s just say that we will be members of the frequent flyer program at King 33’s facility. More to follow on that.

Once chow was finished, we moved on to Force-on-Force scenarios with Simunition. Here’s a quick run down of what we did:

  • Isolation drills: these are designed to get folks shooting and get folks shot. Gotta get over that right off the bat and cancel out the fight or flight response.
  • Discovery of a Break in, compliant subject
  • Discovery of a Break in, non-complaint subject (armed and unarmed)
  • Home Invasion (with a few “surprises” tossed in for good measure.
  • Team scenarios to build communication under stress
  • Active Shooter scenario finale. (This one got a little weird)

All in all the motivators who attended this class responded positively and enjoyed themselves throughout  the day. Downtime was at a minimum thanks to the organization of the class and the class size itself.

There were some areas for improvement… mainly in the class’s structure.

So we addressed that. The next iteration will have Simunition, Troysgate and Live Fire built in to it in a “round robin” method of delivery. If you’re not shooting live, you’re in the sim house. Total immersion.

After the class Denis and I ran  through the house a few times and one of the students, John, followed us around with his Phantom drone. *video pending on that*

Check it out:


Like I hinted at we will be pretty busy down there. Next up, THE GAUNTLET. This will be two days of intense training at King 33 designed to bring you all of the skills you need to survive the fight. Close Quarters skill builders in a live fire, Simunition, and Troysgate format. You can’t do that anywhere else!  If you’re interested in joining for The Gauntlet, click the image below!



Robert Curran

Rob is co-owner of Tactical Dynamics Firearms Training and is a USMC veteran and active Law Enforcement Officer. Rob is a Sig Sauer Master Rated Firearms Instructor and holds several other ratings from various institutions.

  • Rick
    Posted at 15:57h, 27 February Reply

    Lookin’ good, guys! I like the changes to the Sim house since last August.

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