Company Update: Massachusetts Firearms Safety and Licensing Course

Company Update: Massachusetts Firearms Safety and Licensing Course

We have been pretty busy lately…

Normally in years past the summer months have been slow as far as classes go. We are taking a bit of a break over July but here’s what’s to come for the remainder of 2016

  • All of our MA Firearms Safety and Licensing Courses now feature live fire with Simunitions!
  • We now have classes scheduled in Worcester, North Attleboro, Medford, and Foxboro
  • We have brought on several adjunct instructors to assist us with those locations

With the addition of Simunitions we can now shoot indoors, without needing a dedicated firing range. We have invested in several converted firearms and we are ready to get these courses going!

Robert Curran

Rob is co-owner of Tactical Dynamics Firearms Training and is a USMC veteran and active Law Enforcement Officer. Rob is a Sig Sauer Master Rated Firearms Instructor and holds several other ratings from various institutions.

  • Leo Davern
    Posted at 23:50h, 06 November Reply

    My wife and I took the Ma. License to carry course and found it very useful and fun as well. Officer Donovan was a great instructor. I would highly reccommend it. Leo D. Norton, Ma.

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