20 Nov The Top Four Myths About Owning a Gun in Massachusetts
Time to Clear Up Some Misconceptions…
When we teach our MA Firearms Safety Courses we get the pleasure of hearing quite a few interesting opinions on what you can and cannot do with a gun in Massachusetts. Some are valid… others, not so much.
So… We decided to compile the Top Four Myths About Owning a Gun in Massachusetts!
Myth #1: You Have to Store Your Gun and Ammo Separately in Your Home
I ask every single class this question: Can you leave a loaded handgun in a safe? We usually get a varied range of responses, with some folks suggesting that you keep your ammo and gun separate even when locked in a secure container. I attribute this to a processing error when people read that “a firearm must be secured with a trigger lock or cable lock device, or in a safe or locked container” as people tend to tune out once they think that they have read the complete sentence.
No… you don’t have to lock your gun up after you disassemble it, take your ammo to your neighbor’s house, and hide your firing pin. Simply stage your gun for its intended purpose. My home defense pistols are staged just for that. Loaded in condition one and staged for home defense.
Myth #2: If You Defend Yourself With Your Firearm You WILL Get Arrested.
I’m going to put this one as “depends.” There are a lot of factors that come in to play when you defend yourself with a firearm. First and foremost, you have to know the laws that are specific to your state. For instance if you say Castle Doctrine in Texas, it means a completely different thing than it does in Massachusetts.
The bottom line is you have to educate yourself on the appropriate use of force rules for your state. The best way to do that is to take a Use of Force class such as our Use of Force | Home Defense | Concealed Carry Class which will teach you all you need to know about using lethal force to protect yourself and your loved ones. Remember: your goals should be staying alive, and staying out of jail.
Myth #3: You Can’t Open Carry in Massachusetts. Ever. Period. End of Story.
Nope again. In fact, in 2013 the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts actually ruled in our favor in the case of FRB v. Simkin. In this case Mr. Simkin was at a medical appointment during which one of the technicians became scared of his lawfully carried firearm, which he disclosed prior to disrobing. Check out what the SJC said:
…we suspect that the average Massachusetts resident may become “alarmed” on learning that someone other than a law enforcement officer is carrying concealed weapons in his or her presence. However, Simkin is not responsible for alarm caused to others by his mere carrying of concealed weapons pursuant to a license permitting him to do exactly that. Although the bureau claims that Simkin “went out of his way to show and inform certain staff members that he was ․ armed,” the record indicates otherwise. Simkin concealed his weapons until he was in the examination room and was about to disrobe, at which time he notified the medical assistant that he was carrying concealed weapons and was going to secure them, presumably so that she would not be alarmed. Further, he had disclosed the fact that he was armed immediately prior to disrobing during a previous visit to the same medical office, albeit to a different practitioner, and had received no objection to his behavior either during or after the visit. – See more at: http://caselaw.findlaw.com/ma-supreme-judicial-court/1641408.html
While it is not prudent to openly carry a firearm in Massachusetts, or anywhere you can lawfully conceal it for that matter, you certainly can.
That being said… conceal your shootin’ irons. Please. It will scare the sheep otherwise.
Myth #4: You Can’t Buy Ammunition Online and Have it Sent To Massachusetts.
Ha…. My UPS and Fedex delivery drivers will tell you differently based on the amount of ordnance that shows up at my door on the regular.
Repeat after me: There is no law that prohibits buying ammo online and having it sent to a duly licensed person in Massachusetts.
Some vendors have made the decision not to sell to persons in Massachusetts due to previous Attorneys General bringing suits against them for selling the ammo to MA residents. Which was bovine excrement. To my knowledge this hasn’t happened recently.
Do your research and find out which companies ship to MA.
Do you have any other myths you want debunked? Leave them in the comment box and let us know!
If you would like to get in touch with us, please contact our team here at Tactical Dynamics today! To get started, give us a call at 855-276-5730 or fill out a contact form on our website.
Jim myers
Posted at 09:44h, 20 NovemberGood stuff here Rob TY. I tried ordering ammo online they Cheaper Than Dirt but they won’t ship to Mass. If possible, can you share who does? Thanks again. Look forward to taking one of your classes. Best, Jim
Tom S.
Posted at 13:35h, 20 NovemberJim, there are plenty of vendors that should (I refuse to support CTD due to there price hike and rip offs). I like SG ammo myself but there are 100’s that are all great.
Chris H
Posted at 13:30h, 03 DecemberSg ammo does NOT ship to MA….. Says it right on their page.
Posted at 22:08h, 21 NovemberI’ve run into a few places that will not ship ammo or components to MA (Dillon, Sportsmen’s Guide, Berry’s, Ammo To Go (recently changed). I’m with Tom on CtD (Dick’s, too).
OTOH, Target Sports USA, United Nations Ammo, Double Tap, Ventura Munitions, Able’s Ammo all ship to MA. Rocky Mountain Reloaders ships bullets.
Good points on the other items.
Peder gentry
Posted at 22:35h, 06 MayI am interested in obtaining my class A bit recently was told that I will not be able to posses firearms in my residence because my father in law (who lives with my wife and kids and I ) is a convicted felon. Is this true I can not have firearms in my own house
Sam K
Posted at 00:10h, 24 JuneThis is extremely likely to be not true. It is the law in Massachusetts to lock your firearms up so people who are not licensed cannot access them. Your case seems to be a textbook reason for the law
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 09:06h, 24 JuneHello. I’m not sure who told you that, but your licensing has nothing to do with your living situation. You can have firearms in your home, but it would be illegal for your father-in-law to touch them as he is a convicted felon.
William rosado
Posted at 12:40h, 02 Decemberi have actually two question …I have LTC CLASS A but restricted to sporting because of the chief in New Bedford ,Ma
1) LTC A restricted to sporting .. Can you carry (on you) to and from ranges or does it have to be locked in the case and in truck with no ammo inside ?
2) is when I renew my LTC card would they still have the restriction on it or would they change it to unrestricted ?
Rob Curran
Posted at 13:59h, 03 DecemberHi William,
If you have a restricted LTC you cannot carry a concealed firearm. It will have to be locked and unloaded in a secure container or locked trunk.
They may remove the restrictions but they also may not. What we recommend is that you seek additional training such as our Use of Force class which has been proven to help get restrictions removed. You can see the entire list of classes at http://www.tacdynamics.com/events/
– Rob
Posted at 12:13h, 17 OctoberJoin an IDPA club. Shoot regularly for 6-12 months. Then ask your chief for an upgrade.
If he granted a license in the first place, he assumes you’re sane. Now you just need to convince him that you are competent.
Posted at 16:47h, 09 AprilMy ltc is restricted to target and hunting. I live in medford and police chief always issues restricted ltc unless you own a business or have a job the requires a firearm. officer told me that when im up for renewal, the restrictions will be removed. it all depends on the police chief. maybe i’ll try your suggestion.
Posted at 13:02h, 01 JuneHi Rob,
We have an old rifle which may be worth $200-400.
Our FID cards are all expired. Can we still sell this in Mass.
somehow without paying $100 for a new FID card?
Jeff Riopel
Posted at 13:54h, 31 OctoberHello Lyle. Sorry it’s taken so long to respond. You can still sell the rifle in MA, though it is likely the buyer will want to do a registration transfer through Mass.gov, in which case you’ll need a FID license number. But there is no obligation to do the registration transfer, so if you can find someone you can do the sale.
Posted at 08:37h, 02 JuneGreat list of myths about owning a gun. Thank you for sharing this
Posted at 17:21h, 04 AugustGreetings,
I am in the process of rebuilding an old Marlin bolt action rifle. I need a bolt for this weapon. Can I order this bolt online and have it shipped directly to my home or do I have to go through a FEW? Any input would bee helpful. Thank you.
Posted at 17:23h, 04 AugustI meant to say FFL. I live in Massachusetts.
Jeff Riopel
Posted at 13:55h, 31 OctoberHello William. Sorry it’s taken so long to respond. You should be able to order the bolt without any issue, so long as it doesn’t constitute the serialized portion of the firearm. Parts are not restricted and should be able to be ordered and shipped right to your door!
Robert Chapman
Posted at 12:46h, 08 OctoberIs there any law in Massachusetts preventing me from modifying my pistol (ie aftermarket trigger or removal of thumb safety)?
Posted at 12:16h, 17 OctoberThe Attorney General can restrict what can be sold in Mass from a “consumer safety” point of view. But once you own it, you can make it as unsafe as you want (as long as it only holds 10rds).
Wayne Dyer
Posted at 09:23h, 09 NovemberCan you clarify what constitutes a “loaded” handgun in Massachusetts? I’ve been told that having an empty gun in a case with a loaded magazine next to it may be considered a loaded gun. True or Myth.
Jeff Riopel
Posted at 13:59h, 31 OctoberHello Wayne. Sorry it’s taken so long to respond. A “loaded” firearm in MA means bullets in the firearm. A loaded magazine next to the firearm doesn’t count as loaded.
Ashley Johnson
Posted at 05:36h, 24 JanuaryThis is very important, i will share this post on my facebook with my friends
Dave Stone
Posted at 16:32h, 25 MarchI’m a NH resident with a MA non-res LTC unrestricted license…can I carry a glock 17 gen4 in MA with 10 rnd mags? Do I run any risk of violating a law?
Timothy Bonczar
Posted at 00:11h, 17 MayI believe the “Law” against Glocks in MA is that the MA AG believes they don’t comply with safety regulations, under CMR that basically means dealers cannot sell them(anything past a Gen 2), but I cannot specifically find a MA law against possession of one. Example if you move to MA from another State you can legally import it with you.
Posted at 15:21h, 15 MayWas just looking to buy a new Glock 26 4th gen, was told I could not in MA, due to the restriction. However I was ‘advised’ that I could ‘move’ to NH and purchase one there OR buy one and have the seller send me the frame in one package and the slide in another and assemble myself, register and done.
I was also shown pre 1998 Glocks that WERE legal in MA, for about $2-300 more than NEW.
Mark Shean
Posted at 14:04h, 09 AprilHi, Rob, I have read your list of myths etc here. I have been giving the state required class since 2000. And take what I do extremely seriously. I have a long list of credentials also, I won’t bore you with them. I saw that you tell people that you ‘stage’ loaded guns around your home with trigger locks, this is a serious violation/felony charge should you be brought to task. You should consider taking that down. I know that you will probably puff up in total indignation as to what I said, and say that no where under chapter 140 MGL is that specifically stated, and you would be correct. But as instructors we can not be so narrowly focused only on one set of laws like we are wearing blinders. When we are dealing with storage laws in Ma. As in stored or Direct control, we know that there are no third fourth of fifth etc options, only two, the firearm is either under your direct physical immediate control, or it is stored, and if it is stored it is not loaded, or staged loaded outside of your direct control. I will be happy to quote the exact law to you should you decide that someone other than yourself knows what they are doing regarding this class. I am on your side, I want to correctly inform the public and not set anyone up for failure.
Timothy Bonczar
Posted at 00:28h, 17 MayThis is interesting. So, can someone have a loaded handgun on there nightstand when sleeping, or under there pillow just not chambered? What about handgun storage unloaded in a small gun case, that any burglar can simply steal if breaking in and finding It? I totally understand the whole issue with children finding loaded guns, that’s not my question or situation. It appears to me that you’re almost saying that everyone needs a 10 ton safe to keep there guns locked inside of. Kind of defeats the purpose of having a means of protection readily available.
Timothy Bonczar
Posted at 23:40h, 16 MayGreat info. Under Federal ATF [18 U.S.C 922(0), (P) and (R); 26 U.S.C 5822; 27 CRF 478.39, 479.62 and 479.105] It states a license is not required to make a firearm for personal use.
My question is can someone use the Polymer80 kits to make a Glock Gen 3 and have it legally? Since the frame is technically not a Glock frame, it just uses Glock parts such as upper and trigger parts.
Posted at 12:25h, 17 OctoberYou can HAVE any Glock you want. You just can’t get it, because the AG prevents the FFLs from selling them to you. So yes, your workaround seems perfectly reasonable considering 1) You must still have an FID or LTC to possess the firearm and 2) You are still restricted to 10rd mags or pre-ban mags
Mike Taylor
Posted at 03:44h, 08 AugustI am a Mass resident with a large capacity LTC , I have 1 charge of “marijuana distribution in Rhode Island” as a pending court case, it has been 9 months and the case is “not ready” backed up lab apparently My lawyer says there good for that.. Pretty confident I will not be convicted. My LTC is up for renewal in 10 days. I have had my license for around 8 years running 9 years. Will I get denied renewal for having an open case? Or is it innocent until proven guilty as far as the renewal of the license goes. Thanks so much in advance if anyone can help.
Posted at 14:01h, 05 JanuaryI was recently asked if an FID Card only , was enough to own or possess a pistol within the confines of a residence or business . I know that, that is all that was needed in the past in MA. Does this still hold true? Also can a pistol be purchased through an ffl dealer holding the same license and then be transported by a licensed permit holder to the residence of the FID holder ?
Jeff Riopel
Posted at 14:04h, 31 OctoberHello Robert. Sorry it’s taken so long to respond. An FID card does not apply to anything regarding pistols at this time. You can only possess or purchase a handgun if you possess a valid LTC Class A. If I understand your second question, you are asking if a FFL “home-deliver” a pistol to you if you transferred it through them. There shouldn’t be any reason they can’t do that, though I have yet to meet one who will.
Robert Black
Posted at 18:12h, 18 MarchHi
I am in the market for a Walther Ppk . I have a friend in Arkansas who owns one and is willing to sell it to me. I was wondering if you could clear up a couple of questions for me since this could potentially be my 1st firearms purchase.
1) Are Walther ppks banned in Ma?
2) If the answer to question 1. Is a no, how would I go about purchasing the firearm and having it shipped to me legally,so everything is kosher in the eyes of the law?
I am licensed to carry concealed in Ma, with no restrictions.
Any advice or guidance or answers you can give me would GREATLY be appreciated.
Thank you,
Posted at 12:31h, 17 OctoberThe only legal way to receive a pistol in the mail is to have it shipped to an FFL and pay him $25-$40 to transfer it to you. The FFL will only do that for a pistol which is approved for sale in Mass. The definitive list of approved pistols can be found here: https://www.mass.gov/lists/approved-firearms-rosters#approved-firearms-roster-
Curb your desires to fit the list. It seems ridiculously arbitrary, but there is a lot of good firepower on the list.
Jeff Riopel
Posted at 14:18h, 31 OctoberHello Robert. Sorry it’s taken so long to respond. As far as I can tell, the PPK in .380 is on the approved list, so it could be sold in stores. You might want to search online and see if you can find something. You can then contact an FFL and see if they’ll accept a transfer and go from there. I recommend http://www.northeastshooters.com. You can typically find good, used guns and meet locally. If that’s too much effort, just expand your search to things more available. I imagine you could find something that would suite your needs. Check out our Intro to Handguns course if you want to shoot a bunch of different guns that are easy to get in MA.
Bryan Windt
Posted at 13:58h, 03 DecemberHi Jeff, I have a somewhat similar question. What’s the best way to purchase a handgun (on the MA roster) kept in MA by a person unlicesed in MA? It was legally perchased in another state and then brought here. As a licensed LTC, could I carry her gun to the FFL, pay their fee and process the transfer? Thank you so much for your time.
Bryan Windt
Posted at 13:59h, 03 DecemberHi Jeff, I have a somewhat similar question. What’s the best way to purchase a handgun (on the MA roster) kept in MA by a person unlicesed in MA? It was legally perchased in another state and then brought here. As a licensed LTC, could I carry her gun to the FFL, pay their fee and process the transfer? Thank you so much for your time.
Posted at 10:09h, 13 DecemberHello Bryan. It sounds like since the other person in your question is unlicensed, an FFL likely would not do a straight transfer. What you could do is take possession of her firearm, and then follow the Registration link through an EFA-10 on mass.gov. While the registration is not required by law, it is generally a good idea unless you absolutely trust the other person. So you can use your best judgement there. Personally, I would use the Registration link option for this scenario.
jack shaw
Posted at 21:13h, 22 DecemberMy question is about transporting a bolt action rifle and some detached magazines in a locked case in my car:
can the detached magazines have rounds in them if they’re not inserted in the rifle or is that considered carrying a “loaded rifle” on a public road?
This is not exactly what is described in Mass Chap 269 section 12 regarding carrying loaded rifle on one’s person on a public way: https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartIV/TitleI/Chapter269/Section12D
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 21:15h, 22 DecemberYou can carry loaded mags no problem. So long as they aren’t in the rifle, it won’t be an issue.
jack shaw
Posted at 11:21h, 27 DecemberThanks Jeff!
Appreciate the fast response. I know that sounded like a silly question but I believe in CA a loaded mag counts as a firearm… so one never knows.
justin Walker
Posted at 20:31h, 05 JanuarySo I have legally purchased handguns in the state of va when I lived there. When I moved back to ma, I do not carry, but from what I am reading, I still have to get an fid card just to keep my non large capacity handguns in my home? They are all locked in safes and bolted down. Thanks for the great info!
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 10:31h, 08 JanuaryHello. In order to possess a handgun in MA, you need to have a valid MA License to Carry. The FID card means nothing as far as handguns are concerned. So it would sound like you need to take a safety course and obtain your license to carry. Until then, do not take your firearms out of your home as you’d be unlawfully possessing a firearm without a license.
Michael S
Posted at 21:37h, 20 MarchHello, does my son who is 26 need a firearms license to own or be giving a shotgun in MA?
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 10:33h, 24 MarchHello Michael. He will need a gun license to own a shotgun in MA. The minimum he needs is an FID card, but I’d encourage him to go with the full License to Carry (LTC). That way he can get whatever he wants beyond the shotgun.
Matt Fromoutwest
Posted at 19:14h, 24 MarchI just moved to MA from a gun friendly state out west.I have several firearms from my home state . I’ve been told by local PD that I have to register them all with the state of MA. Cant find any law that backs that up.. ???
I did just recieve my LTC here after jumping thru all the same hoops I did 21years ago in my home state for a NICS exempt LTC. Rediculas MA honors nobodys carry license.
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 08:18h, 25 MarchHello Matt. You do not have to register your firearms with the state. If you decide that you want to, you can use the EFA-10 portal found at http://www.mass.gov.
Matt Fromoutwest
Posted at 14:55h, 25 MarchThanks Jeff! Thats what I figured after looking into it. I was aware of the Massportal but figured I’d try to get some more info beforehand.Local PD made it sound mandatory .Also said it was big trouble if they ever had to come by and found firearms that werent registered. They pretty much just want to know what you have .
Theresa Martins
Posted at 18:37h, 06 AprilHi i have my LTC class A my question is if i am on my property in Massachusetts i am outside cleaning the yard or working in yard and a neighbor can see i am carrying my firearm is that a problem. Thank you
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 18:24h, 08 AprilHello Theresa. Your neighbor seeing your firearm is not illegal. However, we would advocate for you to keep the firearm concealed at all times. Even though it’s not illegal, they can contact the police and you would have to deal with them showing up and asking questions. Check out our Use of Force / Home Defense / Concealed Carry Course for more information on this topic. Thank you.
Mike Darney
Posted at 06:21h, 07 MayI will be moving to Massachusetts next month. Do I have a grace period to get my LTC if I bring my firearm with me? I heard that you have a 60 day grace period? Is that true?
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 14:01h, 08 MayThere is a grace period so you’ll want to get on the licensing as soon as possible. There’s a 60-day window that you can have your guns and be unlicensed as a new resident, but you aren’t going to want to do anything with them. Leave them locked up and stored until your license is dealt with. If you want, you can get a head start on the licensing by taking one of our online courses and then you can apply immediately after you move. We have one coming up tomorrow that still has room!
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 08:59h, 29 JuneHello. That is not quite correct. If you have a guilty conviction on an OUI or a DUI after 1994 then you are disqualified. But since yours was in 1986 it should be held against you. Now if you went before a judge in the case, then you will have to indicate that on the licensing paperwork. Then you’ll just explain the circumstances. You should also be able to apply with a copy of your DD-214 as proof of training. Thank you!
Richard Greeley
Posted at 16:25h, 26 JuneI have a Massachusetts Class A Large Capacity LTC. My family and I are vacationing in New Hampshire next month. I have been told I can carry my handgun in New Hampshire, but my LTC is not recognized there. What does that mean, and am I asking for a world of trouble if I, as a boring tourist, have a firearm on my hip?
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 09:04h, 29 JuneNew Hampshire is categorized as Constitutional Carry, so your MA LTC should be good there.
R Cab
Posted at 15:25h, 27 JuneI currently hold an unrestricted LTC in mass. I am moving to a new town and will submit the required change of address form. Can the Chief in my new town deny or change my unrestricted LTC?
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 09:05h, 29 JuneGenerally not. When the licenses is up for renewal, there may be a restriction placed on your license if the Chief is looking to do that. It depends on the Chief.
David Small
Posted at 19:27h, 19 AugustI have my LTC and also a OUI continued without a finding , I didn’t have my LTC taken from me and my renewal is in a year. 1 will I have a problem with the renewal and 2 can I go out a purchase another firearm or will I be denied , thanks for the help
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 10:07h, 20 AugustSo you might end up having trouble on the renewal. The continued without a finding for an OUI isn’t an outright dis-qualifier, but they may deem you unsuitable due to the charge and restrict or deny the renewal. If that happens your only recourse is to speak with a firearms attorney and see if they can help you. I wouldn’t expect any trouble purchasing a firearm right now, but you could try contacting the Firearms Records Bureau and seeing if they would stop a sale taking place. Were this me, I would wait on purchasing a new firearm until the license question has been resolved.
Mike O.
Posted at 09:55h, 27 AugustWhen you say duly licensed to purchase ammo & have it shipped to your home, are you referring to a special license for relic & antiques or just a standard MA LTC?
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 10:14h, 31 AugustYour standard MA LTC does allow you to purchase and ship ammo to your home.
Kevin H.
Posted at 11:59h, 02 SeptemberI researched this and it seems to be a gray area. I have dual residency with NH and MA unrestricted Class A LTC (MA is primary residence). I can freely buy any gun in NH with my property tax and utility bill and leave them in my NH home. So question becomes if I buy a handgun not on the approved MA list in NH (something simple like a variation of a Sig that only certain models are approved in MA) and it resides at my NH home for a while, if I change the magzine to 10 rounds can I bring it to my MA home? NH residents moving to MA can do that so not sure if it is much different. I typically travel back and forth weekly. Restriction is on FFL selling to me but I already own the gun since I have NH residency as well, at least from a NH perspective.
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 14:52h, 03 SeptemberSo long as you have 10-round mags it doesn’t matter what gun you have in MA. The approved rosters have to do with what is allowable for FFLs to sell in MA.
Michael M Shammas
Posted at 16:54h, 01 OctoberCan I break down and clean my pistol in my backyard in MA? I have unrestricted LTC.
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 20:01h, 02 OctoberSure. I’d just keep it out of sight of nosy neighbors.
Posted at 17:17h, 16 OctoberI am a NJ domiciliary who has a second home on Cape Cod. My wife and I spend about a half year at each location. I heard that if you buy a MA non-compliant gun as a resident in another state you are permitted to possess it (but not buy it) in Massachusetts. (I have a resident MA LTC permit.) Is my understanding correct?
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 20:49h, 17 OctoberI’m not sure I understand your question. If you have a MA resident LTC. Are you asking that if you were to buy a gun in NJ would you be able to possess it in MA? Please send an email to info@tacdynamics.com to work this out. Thanks.
Roland Gratton
Posted at 19:17h, 21 NovemberWhat are the limits pertaining to ammo you can own and possess in Ma ?
I understand state fire laws may be in play?
Thank you
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 20:53h, 22 NovemberFire code regs only allow up to 10,000 rounds of rimfire ammunition, 10,000 rounds of centerfire ammunition, and 5,000 rounds of shotgun ammunition without a special storage permit.
Peggy Labonte
Posted at 09:26h, 05 DecemberI live in Massachusetts. Can my son, who lives in another state (NH) legally give me a glock that that he owns. We both have legal, right to carry permits. I have heard both yes and no. Does it matter how old the gun is?
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 08:32h, 07 DecemberTechnically, he’s supposed to ship the firearm to a dealer in MA and then have it transferred to you. I believe if the gun is a Gen2 or lower, a store can do the transfer, but if it’s newer than that the store likely won’t touch it. I recommend that you should contact James Wise, our Director of Training. He can be reached at james@tacdynamics.com or 781-492-7446. Thanks.
Posted at 10:47h, 21 DecemberI own a number of non MA compliant handguns I registered with Mircs after they were fully assembled. What is the worst thing that can happen if AG Healy declares such ownership is on circumvention of MA compliancy rules?
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 16:43h, 21 DecemberThe worst that could happen… jail time I’d guess. I would imagine that were any laws to change that existing firearms would be grandfathered, but this is only speculation.
Posted at 06:13h, 24 DecemberHi, I’m looking to buy a new chassis and stock for my gun but my question is can I legally have it shipped to my house without any problems?
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 08:06h, 24 DecemberHello. Yes you can ship a chassis and stock directly to your home. Gun parts are not regulated or anything so there shouldn’t be any issue with that.
Robert Roy
Posted at 07:29h, 06 January1. Is a defensive display of a firearm allowed in Massachusetts ?
2. Is hollow point 9mm ammo for self defense allowed in Massachusetts ?
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 11:15h, 06 January1. Absolutely not. You cannot display a firearm with the intent to threaten. That is brandishing.
2. Yes.
Rob Roy
Posted at 11:29h, 06 JanuaryThanks. I knew you could not brandish, but i am talking about a defensive display that is informative, not threatening…..NH allows this type of defensive display, for example.
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 16:24h, 06 JanuaryThere’s nothing specific in the law about a “defensive display.” But I would not recommend bringing the gun out unless you intended to use it. Anything else could be construed as brandishing.
Rob Roy
Posted at 16:36h, 06 JanuaryThanks Jeff. I guess if all the requirements for a deadly force incident were there, I drew my weapon, the assailant turned and ran off, and I chose to not fire…..then that would not be brandishing.
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 09:51h, 07 JanuaryCorrect. You would then of course want to call 911 and report the incident.
Rob Roy
Posted at 09:57h, 07 JanuaryThanks Jeff, those are very helpful points.
Posted at 07:21h, 09 FebruaryKeep up the fantastic work , I read few articles on this web site
and I think that your web site is really interesting and contains lots of wonderful info .
Steve R.
Posted at 18:27h, 18 FebruaryI keep seeing ads for the Diablo 12 gauge black powder pistol with a six inch barrel, saying it is legal in all 50 states. Massachusetts approved firearms listings on state websites have conflicting information. It may be overpriced and there are probably better fun guns available, but where can I get a clear and reliable answer on the door to door legal purchase claim? Thank you.
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 06:11h, 19 FebruaryAccording to MA law, you do not need an LTC/FID to possess a black powder firearm, but you do need a license to purchase it as well as the primers and other stuff like that. I’d recommend contacting Comm2A to see about more detail. Including if it’s legal to ship it to your door. http://www.comm2a.org
Posted at 06:33h, 14 MarchOnline ammo vendor shipping to MA: vizardsgunsandammo.com, based in NH. Recently purchased and received 9mm, which they do have in stock as of posting today.
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 13:20h, 14 MarchGood to know!
Posted at 11:38h, 14 MarchI purchased a pistol ifrom a gun shop in New Hampshire had it transferred to a Ma FFL, Am I required to register that pistol with the state?
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 13:20h, 14 MarchYou don’t have to do anything else. Once you do the transfer from the MA FFL that takes care of the registration.
Posted at 23:52h, 22 MarchIs 10+ 1 in the chamber legal or illegal in Massachusetts?
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 16:42h, 24 MarchPerfectly legal. The magazine restriction only applies to the actual magazine.
Robert Augustine
Posted at 16:41h, 03 AprilI own a hand gun whose license has expired a number of years ago – just forgot to renew until too late. I keep it locked up in ammo box. I am worried about renewing/ applying for a new license for fear someone is going to charge me for gun possession without a license. What can I do?
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 11:07h, 04 AprilGive the gun to someone who is licensed to hold onto until you get your license back. Then take it back from them.
Penny S Gioiello
Posted at 23:11h, 08 AprilIf I move from another state with a legally purchased 32 caliber handgun, what do I have to do to be able to keep it in my home and/or carry it in my car for self defense?
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 19:55h, 09 AprilYou have to have that firearm shipped from a dealer in your home state to a dealer in MA once you get your MA license squared away. Once the license is in hand and the transfer goes through you should be good to go.
Posted at 00:55h, 23 MayI recently tried to order hunting ammo and have it delivered to cabalas in Massachusetts so I could show my Ltc there and the ammo can’t be shipped to ma according to a cabalas employee. Why can’t it be shipped to the store I have no idea.
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 09:42h, 23 MayAmmo actually can be shipped directly to your door. There’s nothing in MA law that prohibits it. But the AG has made it known she doesn’t like that, and so many companies just refuse to ship to MA.
Michael Medeiros
Posted at 01:55h, 21 SeptemberHello guys, I was wondering if anyone knows if it is legal to build a small firearm from home in Massachusetts? I am aware that federally yes it is legal if it doesn’t have a serial number, however I remember someone saying that you have to check with your state law and so far I haven’t been able to find anything in Massachusetts state law where it says anything about building your own firearm.
I do want to apply for a permit but I read that MA is a (may issue state) and I feel like they will deny me. I have never been convicted of a crime but I have been charged for a few of them which got dismissed threw a continuing without a finding and that was over 10 plus years ago but, when ever someone does a background check the charges show up. As I get older I have been getting more fascinated with guns and their history. I have some machining skills so I am not afraid to take my time and make something simple but I will not attempt it if it is not legal my freedom is to important. Thanks for any advice guys.
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 07:07h, 23 SeptemberHello. It is legal to build a firearm in MA. You just have to make sure that it is properly serialized and registered during the build. Depending on what the charges are that you are referring to, your local PD may deny the license during the application. If you want more specific guidance, I’d recommend reaching out to James our Director of Training at james@tacdynamics.com.
Bruce E Prescott
Posted at 18:10h, 09 NovemberJeff, I am being told there is a loop hole in the mass laws that allows police to transfer banned fireams to non police people as long as the police officer has owned the weapon for more than a
year. Is this true or not
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 18:39h, 15 NovemberHello. It’s not a loop hole. As long as the firearm is privately owned it can be privately transferred regardless of “banned” status.
Playing by the rules
Posted at 11:24h, 21 NovemberI have been a Mass resident for 4 yrs, have an unrestricted LTC, I own two pistols that are on approval list in Mass, that I left with a friend in NH. He is moving in a few months, and so I want to bring them into Mass. Since I owned them before moving, but didn’t bring them during the 60 day grace period, can I just register them with the correct form on the portal? Or do I have to take them to an FFL in NH to send them to an FFL in Ma. where I can then pick them up and pay transfer fee?
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 11:20h, 24 NovemberWhat most people do is just transport their guns from NH to MA. There’s no obligation to register them when you arrive.
Frank J Kubik
Posted at 17:40h, 11 FebruaryWhat a great service you provide for gun owners by taking time to post & answer Ma firearm laws.Thank you
Anthony Catizone
Posted at 16:53h, 05 Junehi im a non resident in nh but in mass a lot never gone into mass without my 45 cal. why is the limett of rounds only 10 your aloud to carry will that ever change thank you tony c.
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 17:12h, 05 JuneThe 10-round limit is part of MA firearms law and will likely not change.
Scott Jarry
Posted at 15:42h, 31 JulyHello, I have read from several sites that I can carry a short barrel rifle in my car in MA. As long as it’s in my direct control, same as a pistol. My question is, what if I need to get gas or just have to get out of the car ? Can I sling the rifle and pump my gas? Thanks for the information
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 10:09h, 07 AugustHello Scott. You cannot carry a rifle in a vehicle in a loaded condition. It must be stored unloaded and secured in the rear of the vehicle. I would also heavily recommend against walking around with a slung rifle in MA.
Derek Zecco
Posted at 12:43h, 20 AugustI have one dismissed gun charge on my record nothing else. Am I going to be immediately denied my LTC in Massachusetts?
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 10:59h, 22 AugustIt will come up during the licensing process and it will be up to your local PD if they elect to deny the license. I recommend contacting them and see if you can speak to someone about this before you start the process. Were it not a charge involving a firearm, you might have been alright. But it’s best to check. Good luck.
Andy L
Posted at 14:29h, 09 OctoberMA LTC holder contemplating on buying and building a firearms from scratch via ,3d printer or 80% kits. What’s currently legal out of these options? Upon completion of build do I need to serialize my home made firearm? Does my homemade firearms have to follow MA compliant or is that not relevant?
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 10:18h, 20 OctoberHello. Right now 80% kits are kind of in a grey area. The AG doesn’t want them produced, but currently there is no actual law against it. You should serialize it if you decide to build it, as they penalties for an unserialized firearm are steep. This does not need to actual be registered anywhere though, so another grey area. It would have to be MA compliant though. I’d recommend reaching out to an attorney specializing in firearms for better guidance on this.
Anthony Catizone
Posted at 21:10h, 24 Octoberhi this is tony c again ineeded to renew my mass licence sent in my paper work three months before licence expired well my licence expired and they called me in for interview well i go in and now their making me wait another three months before they send me my licence i hold licence in four states not counting mass are they playing some kind of game to make me give up i know mass does not want people to have guns but it is my right
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 17:13h, 25 OctoberIt’s unlikely they are playing games. When the do the renewal there are still background checks and they take time. Three months isn’t too bad.
Posted at 19:57h, 21 November“My UPS and Fedex delivery drivers will tell you differently based on the amount of ordnance that shows up at my door”
Having never ordered ammo online, I’m assuming the packaging is labeled that it’s ammo?
How else would your UPS driver know what it is?
I sure wouldn’t want anyone to know that I have firearms in my house, especially with the seedy characters they hire to deliver packages these days.
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 21:13h, 21 NovemberThe package does have chemical placards on the package. It may not specifically say “ammo” but inferences can be made between the shipper and the placards.
Posted at 19:59h, 21 NovemberBut six months is.
Posted at 19:40h, 22 NovemberI’m interested in getting a permit to own firearms and maybe a LTC here in Massachusetts and I’m a legal resident alien.
Why is it that the forms I have to fill out specifically say; “MASSACHUSETTS RESIDENT ALIEN PERMIT TO POSSESS A RIFLE OR SHOTGUN APPLICATION.”?
What about handguns? I’m allowed to have handguns and to even carry one but I see only verbiage regarding rifles and shotguns.
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 19:58h, 23 NovemberThe form might just not be named correctly. You can confirm details with the Firearms Records Bureau.
Maurice butler
Posted at 17:41h, 15 Decemberif the police find 2 old rifles left in a garage on your property. and you don’t have a license. can you be charged
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 10:42h, 16 DecemberYes. You must have a valid LTC or FID to possess firearms in the state of MA.
Posted at 12:02h, 16 DecemberTony
I was told your license is valid until the renewal comes through. Mine took 41/2 months last time.
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 10:27h, 19 DecemberHello. As long as you have a copy that the renewal paperwork has been submitted, you should be ok. However, I doubt a firearms shop would accept that were you to go and purchase. But you wouldn’t need to turn anything in or anything like that.
Neil Tassel
Posted at 08:45h, 19 DecemberI’m not sure who is moderating this q and a but it is a train wreck of misinformation. I see answers that are blatantly incorrect on many subjects about firearm transfers, efa-10 requirements, post Bruen law on restrictions and other points.
Anyone reading these should get serious advice and NOT listen to the answers here. They are wrong at times and can create criminal liability.
Signed, A Real lawyer.
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 10:25h, 19 DecemberHello. We’d welcome feedback on the legal system from someone with a deeper understanding than us! If you’d like, please reply back to info@tacdynamics.com and let us know. But please keep in mind, this original article was published in 2015, so there are some obvious things that have been updated. Thank you.
Ray Raposa
Posted at 07:24h, 13 FebruaryAs a farmer and gun owner under # 4 to clarify it is male bovine excrement
Thank you though
Mike Clancey
Posted at 13:31h, 14 JulyI have heard that due to a court ruling MA can no longer restrict LTC (the app still asks) but you should just put ‘For all legal purposes” Is this correct? and if so what does it mean to those issued restricted ones?
Jeff - TacDyn Instructor
Posted at 18:40h, 18 JulyWe’ve seen that restrictions have largely disappeared, though I’m not sure there’s been enough time for it to be conclusive. If you’ve received a restricted license you could contact your local police to see if they’d lift the restriction.